Virtual Office #WFH - Virtual Togetherness away from each other
We understand that working from home or remotely is not really a choice now and promoting teams morale and spirit has never been more important.

A Place to Call Home
Discord gives you the power to create your own place to belong. Your Discord server is your home, shared with only the special people you invite.

Organized Conversation
Topic-based text channels give you an organized way to talk about all the things you love. Share your latest cooking mishaps while coordinating next week’s game night.

Pop in to talk (Goodbye Meeting Links!)
Ready to hang out? Grab a seat in a voice channel. They’re your server’s lounge areas, designed so you can pop in and out of voice and video conversations throughout the day.

User Creation & Role Set UP
Channel Set Up and Access/Permission Configuration
Channel Branding
Free Bot Set Up (maximum 2)
Website Embed
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Other Covid-19 Essentials